Patterns in Real Life

Pattern Sidewalk

-There are 2 people walking on a sidewalk.

-The two people walking both have: a backpack and a cane.

-They are walking somewhere.

-It is very bright so I think it is day.

-In the middle of the sidewalk there is no rectangles like on the sides there apppears to be some circle though.

-There are cars all parked vertically on the left.

-There are 3 benches all aligned on the right side.

-There is a wall on the right side that has a pattern of rectangular bricks with a beige color line above them.

-There are many trees, Maybe it’s a park?

-The sidewalk is very long.

-There are lampposts along the left side.

-On the right and left side there is a pattern of two rectangles vertically then one rectangle horizontally.

-On the right side the pattern of rectangles change maybe there is a path leading to somewhere on the right side.

-There are people in the distance.

-The individual on the left is wearing a  blue and white striped shirt, and a blue skirt. they have Red hair and white shoes.

-The individual on the right is wearing a red shirt and blue pants. They have dark brown or black hair and Gray, brown or black shoes I believe.

-There are leaves on the ground maybe it is Autumn and leaves are starting to fall, but the leaves on the trees are still bright green as if it were Summer.

-Some trees are bigger than others.

– The individual on the right is shorter than the individual on the right.

-I think the individual on the left is a female because they are wearing a skirt and it looks like their hair is in a bun.

-The sidewalk looks very clean in the middle, but on the right and left side it looks very dirty like there was dirt in in the many cracks of the rectangles.

-There are cars on the right side so I think there is a road there.

-I think the people walking might be blind

-There are a lot of cars parked so maybe there is an event and the two people in the picture are walking to it.






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