Mountain Everest, The top of the world

Mountain Everest, the top of the world, a climbers biggest dream.  The Mountain is Located on the border between Tibet and Nepal in Asia’s Himalayan Mountains and is approximately 60 million years old. The cost to climb mountain Everest is 30,000 US Dollars per person including sherpas.

Although Mount Everest is said to be the talllest mountain in the world, at 8448 meters (including the snow on top of the rock). It is not, in fact it is the highest point on Earth from sea level, but Mauna Kea, an inactive Hawaiian volcano, holds the record as the world’s tallest mountain.

With all the images of climbers climbing Everest, we hardly ever see  what they leave behind, Everest is littered with not only the corpse’s of bodies, but with an estimated of 50 tons of waste, with more appearing each year.

Mountain Everest, with a death rate of 4.3 percent, 250 people have died attempting to climb it. Many causes such as avalanches,pneumonia, falling cercas, heart attacks, and much much more.

Many records have been made on Everest. The first tweet sent on the summit was sent by Kenton Cool in 2011 — “Everest summit no 9! 1st tweet from the top of the world thanks to a weak 3G signal”. Believe it or not, a couple has actually gotten married on the summit of the mountain, Pem Dorjee Sherpa and Moni Mulepati got married on top of the mountain on May 30th, 2005.

This amazing yet dangerous mountain is a huge accomplishment to climb but would you put your life on the line to climb a mountain?