Two Worlds

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My life, and the world in my novel are very different. The world in my novel is crazy, they send children into an arena to fight to the death to have one winner, all for entertainment, here in my life it is illegal to do anything like that and someone would be sent to life in prison for doing that. Another thing that they do in my novel is that they torture and abuse people to death just to get information out of them and they don’t even get in trouble because of it.  In my life that wouldn’t happen because there’s a thing called jail. There would be consequences for those actions,  resulting in, again a lifetime in prison, and possibly even death. A similarity between my life and the world in my novel is that they both are experiencing war. In both my novel and in my life there are people dying everyday from this horrible battle called war.  In the world in my novel the rebels/ District 13 are fighting against the capitol and in my life there are multiple wars going on in many places around the world. Both my novel and my life are fighting for peace in the world.  These are some ways that my life and the world in my novel are different and similar as well.