Protagonist and Antagonist

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The protagonist in my book Mockingjay is Katniss Everdeen. A protagonist is “the good guy”, the person who fights for what is right and what they believe in, Katniss is a strong and powerful woman who does just that. She was in the 74th and 75th annual hunger games and she thinks that sending children into an arena to fight to the death is not right. She has created an army of rebels and is their mockingjay, (their leader) to fight for what is right and to kill the Antagonist (President Snow) once and for all. Katniss always helps someone in need even if it means risking her own life.  Like in a novel I read called La Vie compliquée de Léa Olivier there is a protagonist, her name is Léa. Léa  is just trying to fight the antagonist (Maude) to stop her from ruining eveyone including Lea’s lives, just like Katniss.

The Antagonist in my book is President Snow. An antagonist is  “the bad guy,” someone who goes against the protagonist and also against what the protagonist does.  President Snow has been having this kind of war with the protagonist Katniss and they has two totally different opinions,  he only cares about himself and the capitol never the other districts,  where on the other hand Katniss cares about all the districts and doesn’t care one bit about herself.  Snow is the president of the capitol and the creator of the hunger games. He tortures people to death, executes people, and just kills them just to get information out of them. He hates when people make him look like a fool and the protagonist Katniss Everdeen loves to do just that. He has been trying to kill Katniss since she pulled out those poisonous berries from her pocket in the  arena of the 74th annual hunger games. Like in a novel I read  called La vie compliquée de Léa Olivier there is an antagonist, her name is Maude. Maude loves to make other people feel bad to make herself feel better just like President Snow.

These are the Protagonist and Antagonist in my book Mockingjay.