I Recommend

I would recommend the book that I am reading, Mockingjay to my friend Taylor. Taylor has read the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy and she is on the second one, Catching Fire at the moment. She said that she liked the author’s choice of words and she like how the books were written. II think that Taylor would like this book because of out all three I liked how this one is written the most and I think it has the best choice of words and the author really knows how to make the story come alive! Taylor really liked the violence in the movie, I know right? Taylor liking the violence? I didn’t think so either, but she said that she liked the violence and she liked all the different weapons and how skilled the characters were at fighting with them. Mockingjay has many new weapons and many more characters to fight each other as well.  Taylor said that a good novel has to have a good story. She said that she likes how the hunger games are planned out and she liked the plot line of the novel and that it meets her standards as a great story. I think that Taylor would want to know what happens next in the amazing adventure of the novel Mockingjay. These are some reasons of why I would recommend the novel Mockingjay to my friend Taylor.