Fiction Genres

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There are many different types of fiction genres.  Some different types of fiction genres are horror, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, adventure, romance,  historical fiction, biography and many more. A mystery genre has a puzzle to solve. The author will show lots of foreshadowing and plot twists.  A popular novel that was written in the genre of Mystery, is Sherlock Holmes. The whole book is a mystery! Holmes and his detective partner try solving a big mystery, using clues they find along the way. A science fiction novel has logical explanations to all things occurring in the story and often takes place in a futuristic time setting.  One novel that is the genre of science fiction is the novel, The Martian. It is about a  man who gets stuck on mars, he has to survive using science and his ideas in the novel.  The fantasy genre is about things that cannot occur and have no logical explanation, this could include stories  about alien planets, magic, monsters,,dragons, and fairies. One book that is the genre of a fantasy is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Sorcerer’s, there is magic, monsters, and many unrealistic characters in the novel.

My novel is the genre of adventure.  Adventure genre books have a heroic protagonist, my protagonist Katniss Everdeen is very heroic because she stands up for what she believes in and is trying to fight for what is right, which is equality and to stop the hunger games. Each adventure genre book need an adventure or a quest in this case the quest is to kill President Snow the leader of the army that is fighting against the protagonist. Lastly an adventure genre novel needs to have action and violence. Oh boy does my book have that! The whole story is wrapped around violence and action. Since it is the war, there is a lot of death,action, violence, and revenge going on.

The genres I like to read are, mystery, adventure, and fantasy. I love Mystery books because they are spooky, interesting, and they make you excited, and wanting to read the book all day, and then to re-read it a thousand times. I like adventure books because they are exciting to read too. With adventure books the author uses exciting words to make the story really come alive, and that’s something really like. Lastly I love fantasy books. Fantasy is kind of like adventure and mystery mixed together. It’s so exciting and even though it’s not realistic it’s magical and really interesting to read. I don’t really like horror genre books because they’re too scary. I think mystery books are scary so I could not read a horror book.

These are some of my thoughts on fiction genres.