Character Traits

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In my novel Mockingjay, the authors shows that Katniss Everdeen has many traits. Some traits that i found were shown are: Determination, Rebellion, and Selflessness. The author throughout the novel shows that Katniss has determination. She is determined to kill president snow and no one can stop her from reaching that goal.  After the 3rd quarter quell Katniss had a mental breakdown, she got shot, had experienced many horrifying things, and watched her own little sister die in front of her, but did that stop her from achieving her one goal? No it did not. Katniss wanted to die so desperately, but her determination of her goal to kill President Snow herself pushed her through the tough times. The author also shows that Katniss shows the character trait of rebellion. She never listens to directions. Like when she was in district 8 and the hovercraft came to blow up the hospital with the survivors of a capitol bomb that had already done much damage. Katniss was on a visit to see the survivors of the bomb in District 8 and when she heard the hovercrafts coming, she ignored the commands of her mentors telling her to stay back,  took the earpiece that they were speaking to her from, out of her ear and went to shoot the hovercraft that then exploded. Katniss didn’t listen to what her mentors were saying but instead decided to rebel and do the opposite of what they were telling her to do. Lastly Katniss is very selfless. Katniss would do anything to save  people from the districts. Like when Finnick was fighting against the mutts that were chasing them, the mutts were winning and Katniss wanted to go save him, she was ready to go possibly die to save him but then gale stopped her. Katniss was so selfless that she was willing to risk her life for Finnick.