Hunger Games Article

Peeta and Katniss coming home giving a speech
This is a picture of Peeta and Katniss that just came home from the Hunger Games and they are giving a speech.
Peeta and Katniss
District 12 Star Crossed Lovers Return Home
Written by: Sabrina Blais
Panem’s extravagant Writing Centre

The Hunger Games, a game where 24 tributes from 12 districts are sent to the capitol to train and are then transported to an arena managed by the gamemakers to battle to the death until only one tribute remains. District 12 hasn’t had a winner since the 50th annual Hunger games. On the 74th annual hunger games, for the first time in 24 years District 12 was the victor with it’s Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark who fought and conquered the 74th annual Hunger Games.

After removing the two district 12 tributes out of the arena and the capitol brought them home and District twelve was thrilled to have their two tributes back alive! There was an enormous celebration with lots of cheering and music and dancing! There were special parties in celebration, gifts were given and the whole district was in excitement! In the arena the two tributes had fallen in love and were then \nicknamed The Star Crossed Lovers. Some citizens from other districts are saying that it was a tactic to get lots of sponsors to win, some are saying that the romance is real and they hope it lasts!

Everything is happy and joyful and since there are 2 tribute victors this year, they will have to share one of the beautiful houses built for the victors of the Hunger games, however star crossed lover: Katniss Everdeen, is refusing to live in the same house. Why, is unknown but the two were spotted holding hands while walking out of the train, and kissing by the forest.

Haymitch Abernathy their mentor was very proud of them and exclaimed: “I taught them all they know everyone! So can I get another bottle of red wine now please my job is done!” The public wonders if Abernathy was sober or not` when he said that. “ Let’s just say that Haymitch was very straight to the point and wasn’t very detailed when he coached us.” explained Peeta Mellark.

The 74th annual Hunger Games defeated by District 12 isn’t the end, now with new mentors: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark District 12’s citizens could have a chance of being the champions of future Hunger Games.