Living 100s of years ago

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If I had to live during the 1400s to 1700s, I would rather live in a First Nations Community. I would rather live in a First Nations community because there is much more freedom, you can have your own spiritual beliefs, it’s not just one religion for everyone  like the Europeans.  I think that I woul like the helpful community because people shared the work so that they could keep their community alive. Also the Europeans have  the poor work for the rich, which gives the rich more time to go to school therefore getting a better education than the poor, and I think that is unfair and I would not want to be a part of the European community.  Another reason would be that I think that it is important for everyone to contribute in a big decision like the First Nations did instead of a king or queen deciding things for me . All in all the first nations way of life just seemed more friendly , fair and appealing to me so I would rather live in a first nations community than a European community in the 1400s to 1700s.