I Can’t Believe

Today we were shown a website called Worldometers. The website shows how much of everything happening in the world, new life, death, things being used, and much much more. Some things that really surprised me were the amount of money spent on illegal drugs this year, the number keeps raising like crazy but right at this moment exactly it is at $5 600 789 381! That’s crazy! In one year? It’s not even legal! It keeps raising and raising the amount too! I’m also pretty shocked by how many babies are born just today 146 300 at the moment in 9 hours!!! It keeps rising like the money on illegal drugs.  Another one that surprised me was the number of deaths by hunger today. In 9 hours 11 473 people have died from hunger today, it’s very sad. 😦  In our day we don’t think about it a lot ’cause we’re off doing other stuff  but so many things are happening without us knowing, In such little time such big things happen. I really liked looking at this website and learning so many things I’m even part of at the moment the 3 215 779 400 people online and the 3 480 238 people writing a blog right now!Screenshot 2015-10-01 at 9.00.15 AM