7/8 Trip

From what I’ve heard about the 7/8 trip from my two older sisters that went, it is an amazing experience. I am both  very excited and very scared! The thing that I am most scared of is paintball! My sisters say that it hurts but only for a few seconds when you get shot and then you’re fine but I feel like it hurts more than even more than everyone describes it. I’m very excited to shoot people though! Another thing I’m nervous and excited for is Adrenaline Adventures, I mean it has the word adrenaline in it, Adrenaline literally is a stress hormone, but on the other hand, it actually looks really fun and thrilling so I think I will have a good time.

I don’t know how I’m going to get out of bed in the morning. I always wake up with two alarms one alarm that tells me that in 10 minutes  have to get up, and one at the time I have to actually wake up at, and even then I press snooze at least twice, so i’m not sure how i’m going to get up but I know that I will have to  get up and ready quickly! The people in my room will see that mornings aren’t pretty with Sabrina! I think that the mirror and the shower will be the hardest things to obtain considering that I will be in a room with 3 other girls.

I’m really excited to go shopping with my friends and to go to galaxy land at the West Edmonton Mall, there is so much stuff  to do there! I think that me and Taylor are going to be scared of most rides but we are probably going to try them anyways and then die… just kidding we’ll  probably just scream. If there’s a Bath and Body Works there, then watch out Bath and Body Works cause Taylor and Sabrina are coming! I’m very excited to write all about everything we do too! I can’t wait to write my journal! I bought it months ago and it’s so pretty! I’m going to write in a journal instead of doing blog posts so that I can have my journal with me forever to remember the awesome trip.

 I am very excited for the 7/8 trip and cannot wait for it, I wish it would come faster!









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