30 Seconds Speeches 1

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I prepped for the assignment Mrs.Parrish gave us by first coming up with an animal to talk about. I decided to do my 30 second speech on seahorses, so I started searching up facts about the seahorse. Then I organized my ideas into a paragraph and thought of what words in my main points I thought were the most difficult to remember. Once I picked my words, I put all 5 words onto a post it note (my cue card). I also didn’t know that we weren’t supposed to memorize it so I took the time to memorize and understand my speech more the night before we presented them.

In front of my peers I was confident but very nervous as well. I knew that I  was prepared and ready because I had practiced my speech a lot the night before, but I always get very nervous when I have to speak in front of a crowd. Once I started doing my speech the fear went away though and I wasn’t nervous anymore, the words just kind of flew out of my mouth and created my speech.

Eye Contact- In regards to eye contact, I made two piles which represented average eye contact and above average eye contact, I had no low eye contact pile because no kids rated me aslow eye contact” I had  5 out of 24 students rate me Average eye contact (which is 21%), and 19 out of 24 students rated me above average  eye contact (which is 79%.) I think I had good eye contact but I will try to get my 21% average eye contact to above average eye contact.

Voice Level– In regards to voice level, I made two piles which represented  average voice level, and above average voice level” I had no low voice level pile because no kids rated me as low voice level. I had 3 out of 24 students rate me average voice level ( which is 12%), and 21 out of 24 students rated me above average voice level ( which is 88%) I think that my voice level was great but I will try to get that 12% average voice level to an above average voice level, although I don’t want to be yelling loud I still want the people in the back of the room to hear me.

Time Limit– In regards to time limit, I made two piles which represented average time limit and above average time limit” I had no low voice level pile because no kids rated me as low voice level.  I had 11 out of 24 students rate me average eye contact (which is 46%) and  13 out of 24 rated me as above average Time limit (which is 54%)I think that my Time limit was great, I finished my speech 1 second after 30 seconds but the kids that rated my speech thought that I went over the limit, but I will try to get that 54% of above average time limit to an average time limit.

One public speaking criteria I would like to improve on would definitely be to be less nervous about going up in front of my peers to do a speech because I get really  really nervous before presenting even if I know my speech by heart and I know that I can do it.



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