7/8 Trip

From what I’ve heard about the 7/8 trip from my two older sisters that went, it is an amazing experience. I am both  very excited and very scared! The thing that I am most scared of is paintball! My sisters say that it hurts but only for a few seconds when you get shot and then you’re fine but I feel like it hurts more than even more than everyone describes it. I’m very excited to shoot people though! Another thing I’m nervous and excited for is Adrenaline Adventures, I mean it has the word adrenaline in it, Adrenaline literally is a stress hormone, but on the other hand, it actually looks really fun and thrilling so I think I will have a good time.

I don’t know how I’m going to get out of bed in the morning. I always wake up with two alarms one alarm that tells me that in 10 minutes  have to get up, and one at the time I have to actually wake up at, and even then I press snooze at least twice, so i’m not sure how i’m going to get up but I know that I will have to  get up and ready quickly! The people in my room will see that mornings aren’t pretty with Sabrina! I think that the mirror and the shower will be the hardest things to obtain considering that I will be in a room with 3 other girls.

I’m really excited to go shopping with my friends and to go to galaxy land at the West Edmonton Mall, there is so much stuff  to do there! I think that me and Taylor are going to be scared of most rides but we are probably going to try them anyways and then die… just kidding we’ll  probably just scream. If there’s a Bath and Body Works there, then watch out Bath and Body Works cause Taylor and Sabrina are coming! I’m very excited to write all about everything we do too! I can’t wait to write my journal! I bought it months ago and it’s so pretty! I’m going to write in a journal instead of doing blog posts so that I can have my journal with me forever to remember the awesome trip.

 I am very excited for the 7/8 trip and cannot wait for it, I wish it would come faster!









30 Seconds Speeches 1

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I prepped for the assignment Mrs.Parrish gave us by first coming up with an animal to talk about. I decided to do my 30 second speech on seahorses, so I started searching up facts about the seahorse. Then I organized my ideas into a paragraph and thought of what words in my main points I thought were the most difficult to remember. Once I picked my words, I put all 5 words onto a post it note (my cue card). I also didn’t know that we weren’t supposed to memorize it so I took the time to memorize and understand my speech more the night before we presented them.

In front of my peers I was confident but very nervous as well. I knew that I  was prepared and ready because I had practiced my speech a lot the night before, but I always get very nervous when I have to speak in front of a crowd. Once I started doing my speech the fear went away though and I wasn’t nervous anymore, the words just kind of flew out of my mouth and created my speech.

Eye Contact- In regards to eye contact, I made two piles which represented average eye contact and above average eye contact, I had no low eye contact pile because no kids rated me aslow eye contact” I had  5 out of 24 students rate me Average eye contact (which is 21%), and 19 out of 24 students rated me above average  eye contact (which is 79%.) I think I had good eye contact but I will try to get my 21% average eye contact to above average eye contact.

Voice Level– In regards to voice level, I made two piles which represented  average voice level, and above average voice level” I had no low voice level pile because no kids rated me as low voice level. I had 3 out of 24 students rate me average voice level ( which is 12%), and 21 out of 24 students rated me above average voice level ( which is 88%) I think that my voice level was great but I will try to get that 12% average voice level to an above average voice level, although I don’t want to be yelling loud I still want the people in the back of the room to hear me.

Time Limit– In regards to time limit, I made two piles which represented average time limit and above average time limit” I had no low voice level pile because no kids rated me as low voice level.  I had 11 out of 24 students rate me average eye contact (which is 46%) and  13 out of 24 rated me as above average Time limit (which is 54%)I think that my Time limit was great, I finished my speech 1 second after 30 seconds but the kids that rated my speech thought that I went over the limit, but I will try to get that 54% of above average time limit to an average time limit.

One public speaking criteria I would like to improve on would definitely be to be less nervous about going up in front of my peers to do a speech because I get really  really nervous before presenting even if I know my speech by heart and I know that I can do it.



I Remember…

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On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Golden Learning Centre gathered together to remember the soldiers and veterans that fought for the freedom of our beautiful country, Canada. The ceremony took place in the gym and there were many dances, poems, and songs. First Ms.Parsons said a few words then the act of remembrance was said in Canada’s two official languages, French and English. Then we had our 2 minutes of silence. After this the choir sang the song: Fare Thee

Something I hope everyone remembers from the ceremony is that remembrance day isn’t just a time where we get in the gym and sing and dance. It’s a day to remember the veterans and soldiers and the military families and everyone who suffered of loss, death, pain, and sadness. They are the people we remember for because of them we have a safe and free country. We have so much and we are so lucky.

My hopes for world peace are that one day the world will stop fighting and will just be peaceful and stop fighting and killing each other. I also would like that everyone would help rebuild at least a little, the countries and cities and towns they destroyed with their guns, grenades and much more. I would like everyonet o shake hands, and sign a paper that says that they will never fight again, and then celebrate peace.